We'll notify you as soon as they're ready! They will be available to view in your Embark account. You can share them directly with others and also download a PDF version to save.
Most genotyping results will be completed in 2-4 weeks from the time we scan your swab at our lab. Completion times may vary for other Embark products. Check the status of your test here! |
When your dog's results are ready, we'll notify you, either via email or text, if you've opted in.
Your dog’s results will be accessible on your Embark account in an easily understandable, interactive website portal that guides you through each breed, condition, and trait. The results are also available in several formats to download. Please see How do I download or print my dog's results? for more information.
You can share them with your friends and family on social media, or email them the news!
You can also email the results directly to your veterinarian to add to your dog's records or to discuss the results.
If you are registering your dog with the OFA, you can also download an OFA Submission Report to include with your registration. Please see How do I submit Embark results to the OFA? for additional information.
Don't forget! Your MyEmbark account includes information about your dog's sample status, your dog's results, and many other helpful resources. Log in to your account here! |
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