Share your dog's results with friends, family, puppy buyers, veterinarians, etc.
We're in the process of updating our pet parent experience, so some of these instructions may not reflect what you see in your account. If you need assistance, please contact us and we will be happy to help! |
- Log in to your Embark account.
- Once logged in, you will be taken to your MyEmbark home page, which shows you any dogs you had previously added to your account, and the status of each dog’s results.
- You can find share options in a few different places!
- On your homepage on their profile card
- On their Summary Page
- On their Profile Page
- On their Breed & Ancestry page
- On their Health page
- Select the SHARE menu or button and choose from multiple sharing options! The options may vary between pages to better meet your needs for each section or results category.
Via your dog's Profile:
- Certain Apps may open a window with the results link embedded. Complete the action within the application chosen.
- If you select Copy Link, the link will be available on your clipboard and can be inserted into any media or program of your choice (send a text, make a Pin, create a Story, etc).
Via your dog's Summary: (presentation may vary by kit type)
- The Summary page allows you to access and share your dog's Ancestry, Health, and Full Reports all on one page. Here you can also send their Health Summary directly to your vet using the "Share results with your veterinarian" menu.
- Find other certificates and reports in the Print or Download Results! section.
Via your dog's Breed & Ancestry tab:
Via your dog's Health tab: (OFA Report only included with Breeder profiles)
- Sharing with your veterinarian allows you to email a report directly to their clinic. It also allows your vet to ask Embark any questions they may have about the results you shared with them. *Embark will never discuss results with a vet unless you have given us permission by sharing results with them or adding them as a shared owner in your profile settings.
Here are the step-by-step instructions for logging in to our site: How do I log in to my Embark account? |
Don't forget! Your MyEmbark account includes information about your dog's sample status, your dog's results, and many other helpful resources. Log in to your account here! |
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