Log into your Embark account. Make sure it's the correct account!
- If you don't see an active profile when you log in you may have created multiple accounts with different log-in credentials. Your Embark email notifications will show which email address you used.
- Once logged in, you will be taken to your Embark home page. This page shows each dog's profile on your account and the status of their results.
- Select the dog’s card shown to navigate to that dog’s Profile page for more details.
- From your dog’s Profile, you can explore results for Health, Breed, Traits, Relatives and more!
*Access to Health, Breed, Traits, & Relatives will depend on the Embark product you have purchased, and may be limited if your dog's DNA results are still processing. Some results may not be available for all products, or may be available earlier/later than others based on lab turnaround time.*
Don't forget! Your MyEmbark account includes information about your dog's sample status, your dog's results, and many other helpful resources. Log in to your account here! |
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