Breed + Health, Purebred, and Breed ID kits have the Relative Finder feature.
Please note:
- At this time, we do not give access to this feature for dogs with wolf content inside of 3 generations, due to privacy concerns raised by the wolfdog community.
- If you have a Breeder Profile or purchased an Embark for Breeders kit, you do not have access to view your dog’s DNA relatives in the Relative Finder feature. Your dogs will also not come up on other dogs' Relative Finder results.
Separately, if you have your dog’s breed preferences set as private, you also will be auto-set as private and opted out of Relative Finder. You adjust your dog's privacy settings at any time.
Why don't Breeder kits have access to Relative Finder?
As a team, we have been prioritizing the most impactful changes for breeders and pet owners. For breeders, we have been hard at work developing predictive tests to help breeders make genetically informed matches and to avoid the negative consequences of inbreeding. Given that most breeders know their dogs' pedigrees but want tools to guide breeding decisions, we are prioritizing that work.
Most mixed-breed pet owners, on the other hand, do not know their dog's pedigree, so we developed our first version of Relative Finder for their needs. Why not release it to breeders at the same time? While the amount of shared DNA is accurate for purebreds and mixed-breed dogs, the interpretation of the results is different, and therefore Relative Finder in its current form would generally be much less useful for breeders than pet owners. We are actively considering the best way to roll out this or a similar feature for both mixed-breed and purebred dogs on breeders' accounts.
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