Yes! Continue reading to learn which colors we can test for:
Coat Colors and Modifiers:
- A Locus (Agouti): ay, aw, at, a
- B Locus (Brown): B, b
- Cocoa (HPS3): co, N
- D Locus (Dilute): D, d
- E Locus (Mask/Grizzle): Em, Eg, E, e
- Harlequin (PSMB): H, h
- Intensity: Dilute Red Pigmentation, Intermediate Red Pigmentation, Intense Red Pigmentation
- K Locus (Dominant Black): KB, ky
- M Locus (Merle): M*, m
- R Locus (Roan): R, r
- Saddle tan (RALY): N, I
- S Locus (White Spotting/Parti/Piebald): S, sp
You can view a full list of coat colors and traits we test for here:
You can learn more about how the coat color alleles for which Embark tests interact by reading: Coat Color Genetics 101
Should you need further assistance, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you! |
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